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Welcome to my page! My name is Maria Kovaleva. I`m a life coach working with women in relationships and helping them to center themselves in realization of their potential and living meaningful lives, by joy. If you are here, I believe you are working on personal growth and realization of your talents, your dreams – you want to live this life in full!
As a professional coach, and a psychologist by education, I can help you with detecting and overcoming the biases, limiting believes and other traps of your mind. In partnership, we will find your strengths and I will help you to cover the distance from now and to the place where your soul wants to be.
As a woman who has experience of immigration, divorce and second marriage, change of career, building my practice with a baby in my hands, I know how difficult the road to your dreams can be, and how important it is to have support and understanding of another woman.
We work
We're equal
All the information
remains within a session
There are no
wrong request
I respect your
views and opinions
For better understanding of our compatibility,
request the information meeting right now
Individual coach-sessions by ICF (International Coaching Federation) standards. In partnership, we examine the current situation (Point A) and the goal, where you would like to be (Point B). During our coaching work you find the missing piece of the puzzle – something that should be changed in you or the world around you in order to reach Point B.
The unique nature of coaching method is that the client receives the undivided attention to his or her situation from a person who is trained in active listening, without judging and interpretation, who can ask important, sometimes uncomfortable, questions, which allow the client to understand himself or herself on the deeper level and start the actions towards the dreams or goals.
We gain ongoing clarity on the outcomes you’d like at each meeting. A typical session begins with an important question: What do you want to accomplish and walk away with from our meeting today? Subsequent sessions will be spent evaluating your progress (what works, what are stuck points), assessing your progress and developing an action plan that allows you to move forward.
Want to
feel happy
How to start feeling
in your place
With what you love,
not just have job
Avoid it or
live through it
In my life, but I cannot
get what exactly
Get energy and
beauty back
Want to change life
but afraid to do it